Intex Pharma Ligandrol 4033


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Ligandrol 4033, also known as LGD-4033 used for the treatment of conditions like muscle wasting in people who have serious medical conditions, such as cancer and AIDS. Soon after, it came onto the radar of bodybuilders due to its effectiveness in fighting muscle atrophy and osteoporosis.

Unlike injectable steroids, ligandrol is known to provide similar benefits while minimizing the risks involved, thus making this steroid very attractive for those intending to improve their physical performance safely.

If one wants to increase muscle and endurance, but actively attempts to sway from the harsh side effects of steroids, then he may opt to buy Ligandrol LGD 4033 in UK now.

Why choose Ligandrol LGD 4033?

Ligandrol 4033 falls into the SARM – Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator category. It means it’s a compound targeting specific body receptors. This means that it’s going to specifically work with the muscle and bone tissues and not affect other organs, reducing side effects. Here is why Ligandrol has become a go-to for many:

  • Increased Muscle Mass: Ligandrol has been reported to enable users to bulk up successfully by growing their skeletal muscle tissues. It is highly selective in action and works directly on muscle and bone tissues, leaving the rest of the body as it is.
  • No hormonal imbalance: Not like anabolic steroids, Ligandrol is not aromatized. Thus, it does not convert into estrogen, reducing the risk of hormonal balances to which one may be prone to side effects, such as water retention.
  • Improved athleticism: This is a known guarantee for optimal athletic performance—Ligandrol operates by enhancing one’s physical endurance and boosting energy levels, thus making the push to intense workouts easier, therefore putting on muscle mass within a short period.
  • Injury Prevention: Ligandrol will help protect you from injuries during heavy lifts or highly physically demanding activities by activating muscle fibers. This feature makes it a safer option for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

It comes as no surprise that many athletes and bodybuilders prefer to buy Ligandrol 4033 in the UK with its capability to offer gains.

Recommended Dosage, Cycles

Proper dosage and a cycle must be followed for the best experiences with Ligandrol 4033. The general guideline one should apply in that case looks like this:

  • For Men: The general dosage for Ligandrol falls within the range of 5mg to 10mg each day. It is usually run for an 8 to 10-week cycle. Due to the half-life being 24 hours, take your dose at the same time each day so you’re only concerned about one dose being active throughout the day.
  • For Women: A lower dose of 2.5 mg to 5 mg per day is recommended, with a cycle duration of 6 to 8 weeks. So, consistency is the key; hence, take your dose at the same time daily. 

By following these tips, one can gain the most benefit from Ligandrol without suffering any side effects.

Is Post Cycle Therapy Necessary?

Another of the common concerns when it comes to performance-enhancing drugs is their effects on natural testosterone production. With Ligandrol 4033, you wouldn’t always require a full PCT. How long you have used Ligandrol and how your body responds will greatly influence the need for PCT. You may need mild PCT sometimes, although this is often less of a concern when compared with traditional anabolic steroids.

Where to buy Ligandrol 4033?

The bottom line of purchasing ligandrol-4033 lies in reliability and quality. If you are about to get Ligandrol 4033 for sale in UK from Steroids Team, you can claim to get quality products. Steroids Team provides discreet packaging of their products and helps buyers with tips and tools to ensure fast and secure shipping of products all around the globe. You will get excellent customer support whether living in the UK or in any other country of the globe. 


Intex Pharma